Favourite Books

  • Bringing Yoga To Life by Donna Farhi
  • Meeting Jesus Again For The First Time by Marcus Borg
  • Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss
  • The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma
  • Urban Tantra by Barbara Carrellas

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gonna Take Some Time For Healing

I can see me pulling through. Finding out I'm someone who is moving on and letting go. Picking up the pieces on the road to healing. Gonna take some time, I'm on the mend, I'm healing. Starting over at the end and feeling stronger than I've ever been - I'm healing. Healing (sung by Wynonna Judd and Michael English)

I'm in a very healing phase of my life now. There's lots going on inside that I don't fully grasp or understand. At the same time, there's a deep cleansing going on that feels like the cool west coast rain washing away the debris from my past. With each subsequent cleansing shower, the healing touches a deeper sense of who I am. Clears the way for me to be the person I've always wanted to be: grounded, centered, authentic, whole, loving, truthful, connected in every way possible, and free.

Two weekends ago, I co-led a young adult retreat from the church. On the Sunday morning of that weekend, I participated in a guided meditation session. As we meditated in silence for a period of time, we were then directed to climb stairs starting with our age counting up to 100. At the top we were to open the door. No further instructions were given after that. As I opened the door, I immediately sensed a bright presence that continually spoke over me the phrase "well done good and faithful servant." "Well done good and faithful servant." Over and over. In my faith tradition, those words were usually spoken in the context of being welcomed into heaven. The after-life. Over there. For me in this meditation, those words were being spoken right now. Here. Present day. The phrase "well done good and faithful servant" was like a cleansing agent that began to wash away all the toxic debris that had accumulated in my life to this point. Toxicity from every word, image, influence, sermon, power, authority, relationship, and theology that was destructive and life-denying began to fall away from me. Unconditional love and grace were replaced. It was like this presence was affirming who I was right to my core. You're OK Curt. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. You are accepted. As I began to share this afterwards with the group, tears of relief and healing began to flow freely.

I believe that the spiritual practices and guiding values of my life have helped open me to experience these deeper levels of healing. A determination to be authentic, honest, and full of integrity are HUGE values for me. I have been living those values more consistently lately. I am diligent in guarding my spirit from any voice of my religious past that is destructive. I look for eruptions of God's Spirit in the world. I follow in the way of Jesus. I practice an embodied spirituality through yoga, nutrition, physical training, and eros. I nurture all life-giving relationships. I affirm and respect the interdependent web of all existence of which I am a part. These amazing gifts continually stretch and open my heart to greater depths of healing.

Gonna take some time, I'm on the mend, I'm healing........