Favourite Books

  • Bringing Yoga To Life by Donna Farhi
  • Meeting Jesus Again For The First Time by Marcus Borg
  • Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss
  • The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma
  • Urban Tantra by Barbara Carrellas

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Time Apart

I have just returned from a wonderful retreat at Rivendell Retreat Centre on Bowen Island, just off the coast of mainland BC. This place is just around 30 minutes from Vancouver, but feels worlds apart. At Rivendell, you are surrounded by mountains, ocean, thick forests of spruce, pin, and cypress. It's a truly sacred place - a holy space. Doris Kizinna and I led this retreat with younger adults from our church. Even though I was in leadership, I received so much from this time apart with God.

We informally started the retreat on Friday night with dinner at an incredible Italian restaurant on Bowen called Tuscany. Simply delicious! We then began our formal time together with an opening worship on Friday night, followed by a delicious feast of wine, cheese, and crackers. Saturday morning we enjoyed breakfast followed by a morning workshop on Creation Spirituality led by the minister from our church. The afternoon was left mostly open for retreatants to do as they wished. Both an optional hike and a Kundalini Yoga class were offered. Saturday dinner was an amazing meal of Indian food - simply too good to put in words! Saturday evening worship consisted of several stations of spiritual practices that were available in which each participant was invited to engage. Sunday morning ended our time together with a morning yoga session, brunch, and a closing circle.

This retreat was a first for our Younger Adult group. Based on the feedback, there will be many more to follow. And even though I was in leadership throughout the weekend, I was filled, refreshed, renewed, and connected in so many ways. In short:

* I am committed to Jesus Christ. This weekend affirmed the primacy of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in my spiritual journey. I come from an evangelical background, and many of my evangelical brothers and sisters are not in allignment nor approval of my path. To be sure, my journey draws from many traditions and sources, both Christian and non-Christian alike. My theology is anything but orthodox. Had I lived in the Middle Ages, I would have been considered a heretic. And I reject many evangelical tenets. At the same time, that "love affair with Jesus" has remained and this weekend I once again embraced that. Jesus has absolutely, positively captured my heart and won't let go, nor do I want Him to let go. Jesus Christ is my lense (not other's necessarily) through which I see and experience the Holy.

* I am committed to a more deeply lived spiritual life. The gifts of yoga, meditation, acupuncture, Scripture, prayer, and Christian community are rich wonderful gifts that enrich and expand my spirit. After this weekend of engaging in most of these precious practices, I am full of the Spirit. I am more loving. I am more open. I am more restful and centered. And I am ready to be of service to my fellow woman and man. These are certainly fruits of the Spirit that warrant nurturing.

I encourage everyone to periodically in your busy life get away for retreat. Get away to open your spirit to the Holy. To return renewed, refreshed, and ready to serve others in this hurting world. But most importantly, return more aware than ever that you are an incredible, loved child of God. Blessings and peace to all.

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