As you can imagine, there are several sticking points along the way in these conversations. Theological and philosophical differences as well as differences in our understanding of the Bible have come up and will continue to come up as we listen. And it's very tempting for me to want to change the minds and hearts of these Exodus leaders. But the gifts I am receiving from Buddhism are teaching me to detach from outcomes. This totally goes against my western cultural upbringing as well as against my free enterprise spirit. In business, you do a certain number of sales calls and marketing activities to generate profits. Actions = results. Outcomes. So I've been challenged to live with a detachment to outcomes. In these spring conversations with Exodus as we continue to speak our truth and listen to the truth of others, I am reminded to refrain from any expectation or manipulation of any kind, including expecting an outcome of policy change on the part of Exodus. I'm reminded to be less interested in having a particular outcome, and more interested in being faithful. Faithful to my call as a Christian. Faithful to tell my story. Faithful to speak for the LGBTQ community. Faithful to encourage all people to live into their full capacity as loving, Light-filled human beings. This release of outcomes doesn't mean I mince words or stay away from difficult conversations or refuse to take stands. A relinquishing of outcomes empowers me to be faithful. And as I live in faithfulness and integrity, I walk in peace and security and experience a lightness of being on my journey. The striving is over. The pressure for an outcome is gone. Love, compassion, and understanding begin to flow more freely through me.
So who knows how this spring of new conversations will end. Or continue. Or become something totally unexpected and beautiful that none of us envisioned. I just know that today, I'm enjoying the renewed connections I'm making. And I'm enjoying the journey as it is right now. Happy Spring to everyone.