I went to the gym this past weekend, worked out with my weight lifting routine, and ended my session with yoga. I started to go to the gym another time the week before, but opted instead to participate in a yoga session. I have my Gospel Choir rehearsal on the 2nd Thursday evening of each month. The choir rehearsal cuts into my regularly scheduled Thursday night yoga class. Instead of skipping the yoga class entirely, I left the class early and arrived just in time for choir. I even bought a Vinyasa Flow Yoga DVD so I can get on the mat anytime I want in the comfort of my living room. In short, I dig yoga! I find myself craving it. Loving it. Entering into it. Meeting the Divine within the practice.
I had an "aha" moment in regards to my yoga practice and spiritual life this past weekend at the gym. After lifting weights, I decided to end my workout session with some yogic moves. As I began to move through the movements.....half lotus......downward dog........child's pose.....cobra pose......bow pose......fixed firm.......plank.......spinal massage......, a deep sense of connection occurred within. The music on my ipod during my practice was a beautiful arrangement from the movie "Across The Universe" of the Beatle's hit "Let It Be". As I let the music fill my soul and as I entered into the movements - really let myself surrender to the openness that comes with a yoga practice - I connected. Connected to myself, connected to my God, connected to every living thing, connected to the Universe. My spirit was nourished. And I believe I moved a bit more towards full integration of my entire being which is one of yoga's many gifts. Ultimately words fail to convey the mystery of yoga. Like music, yoga must be experienced to be understood. This past Saturday afternoon though, I experienced a deeper awareness of the essence of a yoga practice. Beyond the physical sweat and flexibility exercises, yoga is about oneness. Connection. Integration. Completeness.
One of the poses that has captured my imagination is the camel pose (pictured above). The camel pose is a very powerful pose and opens your heart centre. I like to think that I am very open-minded.....and open-hearted. But as I practice this and other poses, I realize my heart isn't quite as open as I would like to think it is. However, my own heart centre is beginning to open more and more as I stay on my mat. And I am starting to notice the tangible results of these heart-openers in my life. I'm more aware of my yearning to be open in every way. My heart is softening more and more. In church yesterday morning during Thanksgiving Day service, I began to spontaneously cry during one of the hymns because I was in a thankful place and so incredibly grateful for the blessings of life. My emotions are present with me as I journey through life. And it's a beautiful thing. Thank you God for the gift and mystery of yoga.
Gotta run! The mat is calling my name........